Access to Work

Access to Work

Access to Work is a Government programme and is publicly funded. If you have a disability or long-term health condition, Access to Work can provide practical advice, support and funding to help you find and keep a job. You need to meet the eligibility criteria to apply. Find out more

Access to Work funding can be used to pay for things such as:

• a BSL interpreter for a job interview for someone who is deaf
• a sighted guide for somebody with a visual impairment
• a specialist job coach for a person with a learning difficulty
• specialist equipment
• alterations to premises
• help towards the additional costs of taxi fares if you cannot use public transport to get to work.

Generate can help you with every stage of your claim, whether you are making a claim for the first time, are in the process of a current claim expiring, or having to renew due to a change in your circumstances. We will make an application on your behalf to maximize your chances of receiving funding.


Elizabeth, a dyslexic woman, is the founder of social enterprise Aspire to Inspire known as A2i.  She receives Access to Work support from Generate to enable her to run the organisation.
A2i helps dyslexic people improve their skills to enable them to get a job or to set up their own business. A2i refer people to Generate if they need Access to Work support.

“I need a one-to-one employment support worker who can help me with what I struggle with, which is writing, reading and communication. I know what I want to say but I can’t get it on to paper. It’s a real frustration”

“It’s amazing. I love what we do. When people find us it’s like heaven.”

“When we get clients that need Access to Work support I don’t tamper with it. I just refer them to Generate. They are fantastic. If it wasn’t for Generate I would be back on benefits or… who knows what I would be doing”.

– Elizabeth

Access to Work employment support workers

If you have funding through Access to Work, we can provide you with an employment support worker.

We will make sure you always have the support you need by:

• selecting an employment support worker who understands your role and is able to give you the support you need to carry out the tasks within your job

• providing another experienced and ‘matched’ employment support worker to cover times when your regular employment support worker is on holiday or off sick

• employing your employment support worker – including paying them a salary, paying them holiday and sickness pay, and supplying them with a workplace pension

• supporting you to accurately create a support log

• monitoring the quality of service you receive from your employment support worker

• alerting you that you need to renew your Access to Work application 3 months before your claim expires

• supporting you with your renewal and continual monitoring of your new claim

• completing Access to Work employment support worker claim forms

• being a friendly face to you, your line manager and your HR business partner

• supplying you with a bespoke service package and competitive quote.

“I have worked at Marks and Spencer’s for 19 years. It’s been quite an adventure. I started on foods, have done stacking, the butchers, newspapers. I’ve done everything”

– Shane

What happens when I begin using Generate Access to Work?

When you begin using Generate Access to work we will:

• meet with you and (if applicable) your line manager to discuss what support you need

• look at your workplace and job description, then work with you to assess the tasks you need support with and agree on a job description for your employment support worker

• advertise for your employment support worker, sift applications, carry out first stage interviews and make sure that candidates have a current DBS along with any other licenses for the job

• send you a list of suitable candidates to you to review and select for interview

• support you to interview your selected candidates

• appoint your chosen employment support worker and hold a ‘pre-start’ briefing meeting with them

• accompany your employment support worker on their first day to ensure everything is ‘on track’ for a good start

• carry out a review with you and your employment support worker at the end of their first week, to iron out any difficulties that may arise

• hold a supervision meeting with your employment support worker at the end of their first month

• continue to provide ongoing supervision and quality monitoring.

Contact us

To Request a Quote or get more information, please contact Zac:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 8879 6333