While social isolation is in affect it can be hard to keep up with friends and can be a very lonely time. Last week Generate ran a ‘Zoom’ session for the Friendship Group; a self-formed, self-funded and self-named group of 5 lifelong friends. Each member of the group gathered up 3 items that mean a lot to them and have helped them stay happy while self- isolating at home and bought them together to show the rest of the group.
Everyone took turns to talk about the things they had to show and why they meant a lot to them during isolation. From childhood dolls, certain songs (which we listened to together on YouTube), books, and favourite DVDs – they all got to learn a bit more about what makes their friends happy.

A doll was one of the things getting us through lockdown.
Charlotte said: “It was fun. Seeing my friends makes me laugh and happy. I liked sharing music and YouTube clips from musicals and films with my friends.”
Zena, Chloe’s mum, said: “I thought the session last night was great: had structure; didn’t go on too long and everyone participated. Difficult to get Chloe’s opinion but she certainly appeared to stay engaged with the session the whole way through. I am always touched when I see the Friendship Group in action – they are indeed friends and totally accept each other for the individuals that they are.”
Pam, Charlotte’s mum, said: “Thanks for making the zoom session seamless.”

A parrot was one of the things getting us through lockdown.