On the 3rd of October 2024 The Generate Voices Forum group members were gathered on Zoom for a Black History Month Session.
We began the session after the ice breaker and discussed about it. Most of our members know about Black History Month but a few others didn’t.
We explained clearly about what Black History Month and why is it marked every year also why it should be celebrated all year round instead of one month for everyone in the black community.
During the session we asked everyone’s views on the subject
Stephanie pointed out on why people celebrate Black History month not only there was good things but there was bad things to remember as well. Many in the black community knows about recent events that happened over the years.
The Theme was Africans In Arts.
We talked about legendary artists they were Nina Simone, Jean-Michel Basquiat , Langston Hughes and Ann Lowe who designed Jackie Kennedy’s wedding dress.
The members were asked do they know a popular figure in the black community or who inspires them.
Sean Davies said Martin Luther King Junior’s quote I have a dream inspired him.
Links to the legendary artists and other names mentioned are in the links shown .