One topic that Generate Voices is very passionate about is employment and having more opportunities to work.
At a most recent Generate Voices meeting, we were joined by Matthew Kaye from Project SEARCH who provide employment opportunities to young people with learning disabilities and autistic people.
Matthew talked about their program who have a partnership with St. George’s Hospital aimed at providing skills and eventual employment for those with learning disabilities and autistic people.
He highlighted the process their program takes, along with the support available. The program runs for one year where interns attend full time from Monday to Friday.
Duties include admin, working on the reception desk, gardening, portering, retail and many others, interns learn many skills including how to be professional in the work, self-advocacy, teamwork, communication and many other skills.
Most graduates of the program move onto permanent full-time roles and gain jobs.
He then covered the benefits of the project and explained the differences of equality and equity.
Equality is making sure people have opportunities to make the most of their lives and skills.
Equity means making sure the people around you are all fair and equal!
Afterwards, the members took the time to ask questions about Project SEARCH.
Michelle asked, “How come the project is only up to 25 years old?”
Mathew answered, “It’s funded by the EHCP” EHCP means Educational, Health and Care Plan, a legal document with a child’s or young person’s special educational needs and the support that they will need.
Nic asked “Why is it only 1 year?”
Mathew said “That’s the duration before the allocation of employment”
St. George’s Hospital and St. Helier’s Hospital run the project now, but the project is growing.
Members then all talked about their employment experiences and barriers they have faced, even the Voices Coordinator with lived experience Tony shared his experiences of retail and how it wasn’t great until starting work for Generate!
Generate Voices spoke about their employment experiences before in one of their very first meetings:
Talking about employment at the Generate Voices Forum | Generate (
Nic asked “Does Project SEARCH help with mental health and peer support?”
Mathew answered “They’re currently working on this”
Thank you, Matthew, for coming to our meeting and letting us know of this opportunity that our younger members might be interested in!
Generate Voices are reaching out to more supported employment providers to come to our meetings and let us know what you do!
If you’re interested in Generate Voices and the meetings we run, please do contact Generate Voices Coordinators, Chiz and Tony.