17th October 2024
The session was about supporting people about sex and relationships
Claire asked everyone what the internet has to do with love, sex and relationships?
Sean said “The answer to that is obviously people do find love on the internet unlike years ago where you can date people on newspapers but now since technology is getting more advanced, we use dating apps and social media just to find love, but the dark side is the cat fishing part now I don’t know if anyone has seen the TV show catfish”
Michelle said “Sometimes you must be careful even if you know the site you still must be careful if you are looking for a relationship of some kind”
Claire then asked, “what does everyone like to use the internet for?” Stephanie replied “To make videos and talk to people probably blogging and shopping”
Malachi said “You can use the internet for buying clothes online”
Sean said “I usually do some orders off Amazon using reward cards for different shops”
Next slide shows social media platforms everyone was asked which ones they use Stephanie said she uses Instagram and TikTok
Sean says he uses mostly all of them but not X
Malachi uses Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook then he thought WhatsApp was not social media then Claire pointed out that technically its under social media, but it is different than the others.
Luis said he doesn’t use social media neither did Karen.
We then moved on to the subject called something fishy
This was about people online who make fake profiles either tricking someone to think they are a real person or just taking their money. Everyone was asked what do they think is going on staring with the first example with a person named Anna: Anna is on Facebook and you don’t know her but you go to a lot of the same clubs and have some friends in common. Anna has lots pictures on her profile. Claire asked everyone do we think there’s something dodgy about her?
Stephanie says “Not really its not like she’s messaging you just following you”
Claire then asked what can we do to find out if she is real?
Jodian suggested “The best way to find out is to just be friends with someone before you get into the relationship friendship is always makes a good relationship”
Sean said “Check to see if the person had mutual friends and ask them about that person”
Michelle says “I can be sometimes skeptical about accepting friend requests even though they might be mutual friends with work colleagues or friends or family depends on how many times it comes up. I would go to my friends list and see which friends is requesting to add them or to be friends with”
We then were asked about what would raise the red flags from another example Evie starts chatting to you on TikTok (you don’t know her) she messages for months and shares her secrets with (you never a video). Evie says she will come and visit but she is pour and asks you to buy her a train ticket so she can visit!
Sean said “I just think its like when its all just photos and no video it is a big red flag and also thinking that when the person asks can you buy me a train ticket so I can come and visit that’s when you start doubting do I really have to do this?” That’s a good point Sean
These are signs we need to be aware of when someone messages us starting with sad stories or anything else or if they don’t video call to meet you or ask for money
Stephanie said “When you get like an email about something that your account is getting hacked when you would think twice you would just press it”
Claire said “When it comes to relationships these people do they are so clever they can be friendly towards you then they asked for money”
The signs to watch out if someone is a catfish.
- They want to know your personal details
- Conversations get personal very quickly (they say they love you, but you hardly know them)
- They tell you a sad story and ask for money.
- They ask you to keep your relationship secret.
- They avoid video calls or meeting in person (they say their camera is broken)
Thank you Claire form coming to our online session training courses are continuing but they can get full pretty quickly feel free to explore Choice Support’s website to find out more about Supportive Loving link will be below
The group was asked have they ever been cat fished before?
Sean said “Years ago when I was in school I spoke to my ex best friend’s ex girlfriend, when they broke not to say too much she said she was pregnant and that I didn’t believe straight away when I said what?, since then I ended it straight away”
Well done Sean.