Lewisham Speaking Up People’s Parliament 6th December 2024

On The 6th of December 2024


Generate Voices attended People’s Parliament  at Lewisham Town Hall at The Catford Civic Suite.


The guest speaker was Metropolitan Police officer Duncan Jackson from the Safer Neighbourhoods team at The Met.

Many members of Lewisham Speaking Up ask questions about crime on the streets and other crimes that are taking place as some members pointed out that they do not feel safe at all due to more crime increasing on the streets not just in Lewisham but all across London too. Duncan did his best to answer many questions as he could.




Leon speaks his views on open mic time and many others came to voice their views and opinions.




We then proceeded to workshops and as always we had the red category which was Safer Places Scheme with Michelle and Robert.

Michelle spoke about the project and what it is all about here is a link to the website https://www.safeplaces.org.uk/ 

There’s also a safe place app that can be downloaded to android phones and tablets from the google app store too https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.org.safeplaces.safe_places&hl=en_GB&utm_source=global_co&utm_medium=prtnr&utm_content=Mar2515&utm_campaign=PartBadge&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1



We all spoke about the ideas and solutions from these workshops the microphone was used on this occasion.


We then had a group photo at the end of the session after the raffle which our own Karen won a prize.

Well done Karen.


We like to thank Lewisham Speaking up once again we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year see you again on the 31st of January.



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