Generate Voices Forum Dry January Blog


On January 16, 2025, Generate Voices hosted an engaging session on the topic of Dry January. A month-long challenge to abstain from alcoholic beverages. The forum explored participants’ thoughts on alcohol, its effects, and alternative drink choices, fostering a rich and thoughtful discussion.


Ice Breaker: Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drinks

To kick off the session, members were asked to share their favorite non-alcoholic drinks and the reasons behind their choices. Here’s what they said:

  • Sean: “Anything besides alcohol—probably a cup of tea or a Frappuccino from Starbucks.”


  • Nic: “Tea or hot chocolate because I don’t like alcohol at all.”


  • Joseph: “The best drinks for me are tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and orange juice—especially since I’m training.”


  • Michelle: “I drink alcohol sometimes, but my non-alcoholic drinks are decaf tea, hot chocolate with marshmallows, water, and apple juice.”


  • Karen: “Hot chocolate with whipped cream or coffee, but not too strong.”


  • Malachi: “Mostly water and fruit juice. I avoid alcohol because of my studies.”


  • Zahra: “Water or sparkling water. I don’t drink alcohol for religious reasons.”


  • Bradley: “I only drink water because I’m too lazy to make anything else!”


  • Terry: “Since I don’t drink alcohol, I’d go for tea, fizzy drinks, or Starbucks hot chocolate. I just can’t stand alcohol.”

This fun exercise highlighted the variety of options available for those choosing to avoid alcohol.


What Is Dry January?

The members were asked what they thought Dry January meant:

  • Sean: “Pretty much drinking no alcohol throughout January.”
  • Nic: “I believe it’s about helping people progress toward not drinking any alcohol.”
  • Joseph: “It’s about health and quitting bad habits, like alcohol or smoking. Without something like Dry January, some people might overdo it and suffer serious consequences.”

The group discussed their interpretations, and Terry clarified that Dry January involves a commitment to being alcohol-free for the month.

Learning About Dry January

Participants read about the goals of Dry January, including improved sleep, a calmer mind, and renewed energy. They also learned about the optional choice to abstain from other substances.

Alcohol and Mental Health

The session then delved into the relationship between alcohol and mental health. Nic read:
“There is a close relationship between drinking alcohol and mental health. Drinking too much can be both a cause and consequence of poor mental health.”

Members shared their experiences with of Alcohol and Mental health:

  • Nic: “Family members have been affected.”


  • Joseph: “I had a brother who was affected by drinking too much alcohol back in 2013 and he came to my house and was acting rather strange it was like he couldn’t remember anything. I do have a feeling that’s what alcohol can do to you it can make you forget who you are where you live and so it can make you behave in strange ways as of my brother coming to my house because of the alcohol he was drinking he had forgotten me, he had forgotten my niece and nephews and all of a sudden he was asking a lot of strange questions until later on he went to use the toilet he was in there for 25 minutes so my mum asked to check on him then we realized he had passed out on the floor”



  • Michelle: “From my point I was the person that did experience a lot with alcohol and there were many times I ended up in hospital because I had drunk too much and yes it probably did affect my mental health at that time, but I don’t know how all I know is I used to drink”


  • Sean: “I obviously had alcohol before usually I drink responsibly if it’s too high, I can get out of control, so I try to learn from that but to the second question I would like to answer is. I do have old college friends who some drink responsibly very little few will just drink out of control the thing is it’s not my concern the whole time”



  • Bradley: “I don’t drink very often but I do have a few drinks, but I have discipline where I tell myself don’t have it until the weekend, so I tried limit the amount that I have but I do think there is a strong coronation between alcohol and the affects it has on our mental health whether it might lower our mood or will make us upset or aggressive it’s a good lesson to learn”


  • Luis:  “Well when me and Karen go out somewhere we see drunk people too stupid enough to do something to other people like staring fights”


  • Keither: “The last time I had a drink was when I had a little swig of gin, and I was drunk for about 10 seconds and a friend of someone I know convinced me to drink it. I mean it’s not bad but it’s just not really for me”

The discussion emphasized the profound effects alcohol can have on individuals and their loved ones.

Positives and Negatives of Alcohol

Members weighed the positives & negatives of alcohol plus added what makes it so addictive comparing it with Cigarettes, Niquitin and Vapes




  • Can lead to conflicts with family and friends.
  • Causes blackouts and memory loss.
  • Damages physical and mental health.
  • Can result in violent or criminal behavior.


  • Sean : “Once you start drinking alcohol you just want more and more and if you are a smoker or vaper like niquitin some people would have niquitin inside it like cigarettes tobacco or vape liquids obviously you would want more niquitin so putting that into the mix would have a damaging effect on you and usually you would have to resist the urge of having niquitin on your body and in your brain and also the alcohol as well”


  • Michelle : “The negative of the alcohol is if you drink to the extent to oblivion, it can cause you to have seizures as well epileptic seizures where you end up going to hospital as well so that’s how I feel that are the negatives or when like what Sean just said one over too many or something to those words can be severe” 


  • Malachi : “Some people must drink alcohol because of the taste of it and they drink it all other hours or minutes sometimes every day and they can’t stop drinking alcohol and that’s when you are out on the streets that is when they start acting weird like they ask for a vapor which is good and sometimes it can be fake and you can get yourself into big trouble or put yourself in danger that’s got to be mindful of when you are out in public”


  • Joseph : “With the negatives on alcohol it can make you drunk it can make you crazy and act in all sorts of weird ways in some cases alcohol can make violent as well and make commit crimes people have been arrested for being drunk and disorderly and alcohol can make you very sick”


  • Keither  “Some consequences can happen if you have too much you end up having the equivalent of fainting as well”



  • Can enhance social occasions when consumed responsibly.
  • Used for celebrations, like birthdays and special events.
  • Brings people together in moderation.


Some of our members brought in some positives on alcohol and a few other thoughts too.

  • Nic : “I would say positives for alcohol to help with socialization and it can bring people together you can use it for celebrate achievements but also to be mindful about things as well”


  • Luis : “If you get drunk or drink a lot there’s another thing you can do is go to meetings where people sit around, and they have to say their name and why do you drink too much” He pointed out that most people who drink so much go to therapy sessions or rehabilitation to try and quit drinking alcohol.

Interactive Quiz

To wrap up the session, members participated in a fun quiz to identify foods and drinks that contain alcohol. It was an eye-opening and educational way to conclude the discussion.

Thank You for Joining!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Dry January session. Your stories, insights, and engagement made this forum both meaningful and enjoyable.

Here’s to embracing healthier habits and making informed choices in the new year!

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