This year at Generate Voices, we had a goal which was to start campaigning. We ended up campaigning for two things which members were passionate about:
Hate Crime Awareness in the community
Better mental health support in the learning disability community.
At a recent Generate Voices session, members spoke about the campaigning work we did this past year and shared their opinions and feedback.
Hate Crime
What activities did we do for Hate Crime?
Nic said “We spoke to and worked with different charities who work on Hate Crime and find out what we could do and get involved”
Terry added “We created various posters and social media posts on Hate Crime during National Hate Crime Awareness Week #NHCAW.
Members also learned about Mate Crime and had received Hate Crime Awareness Training from Lewisham Speaking Up in the past which inspired them to start campaigning for this!
What did our members enjoy most about the Hate Crime campaigning?
Nic said “I mostly enjoyed the Hate Crime Awareness training and learning how to keep ourselves and others safe”
Rio added “I enjoyed making the posters and getting involved in making things better for victims of hate crime and spreading the word!”
Here are the posters the members made for National Hate Crime Awareness Week:
One member really enjoyed Victim Support visiting Generate, a charity who support victims of hate crime and witnesses of hate crime.
Talking about Mate Crime with Victim Support | Generate (
Some members actually felt that finding out the statistics of hate crime and low reporting rates was important to them.
What did our members think wasn’t good or could have been improved?
Nic said “I felt it was rushed and confusing and could have been better”
Jodian added “I felt some of it was too much information”
Terry said “It would have been better to focus on one campaign at a time”
Rio said “I didn’t like the fact that some crimes still go unreported!”
Finally, Luis added “The campaign was good but I am not impressed with what the police are doing about hate crime……more action, less paperwork!” The members agreed with what Luis said!
Mental Health
What did we do and what did we enjoy?
Terry: “I enjoyed the visit from NSUN and all the information they gave us”
Nic: “I enjoyed being involved with the CCG and helping Certitude design a new ward for the NHS”
Helping design a Ward at Generate Voices | Generate (
Jodian and Terry both enjoyed going to Access All Areas’s World Mental Health Day Festival at City Hall and the many activities they had. Dancing, writing positive messages and listening to music and poetry.
Jodian: “I enjoyed the interactive nature at Access All Areas and I want to work with them again!”
Terry: “The campaign inspired me to make a video on YouTube and how I manage my own mental health”
Most members enjoyed the discussions we had around our own mental health, our rights as well as the proposed changes to the Mental Health Act.
Let’s talk Mental Health and your rights at Generate Voices | Generate (
Changes to the Mental Health Act at Generate Voices | Generate (
What do our members think could have been better or improved?
Nic said “The mental health campaign would have been better if we just focused on that campaign”
Jodian added “The sessions could have been longer”
Terry agreed, that time spent on the campaign was short and he thinks it would have been better to focus on one campaign at a time.
Rio said “I think we could have got more advice on leisure activities that help with mental health and encourage people to do this from when they are young to prevent mental health issues in the future”
Jodian added “What Rio said would also help fight depression, outdoor activities and support should be provided by professionals!”
Our campaign work over the year has been an eventful one with many highs and lows, we enjoyed raising awareness about these two difficult yet important topics.
Generate Voices will see this as a learning curve which will help us to make our voices heard more and what we could do better if we do decide to do more campaigning work.
- If we do decide to do more campaigning work, we will choose one.
- We will choose an important issue.
- We will run it for up to six weeks max.
If you have any suggestions for our future activities or if you’re interested in getting involved with Generate Voices, please feel free to contact the Co-Ordinators, Chiz and Tony for more information or just a chat.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement!