
On Father’s Day, Generate Voices attended an Autistic Pride Event in Hyde Park run by Autistic Empire. Everyone was welcoming, 
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At one of our latest Generate Voices meetings, the members spoke about the LGTBQ+ Community and Pride Month.  Generate Voices 
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At a most recent Generate Voices meeting, we were joined by Mark Robertson and Colm O’Flynn from the Wandsworth Learning 
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Recently, Generate Voices members have had the chance to host their own Generate Voices meetings talking about topics they have 
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A highly suggested topic idea from Generate Voices was businesses only taking card payments, people not being able to use 
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Generate Voices have begun to run meetings led by our own members who chose something they want to speak about 
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Generate Voices have had discussions recently about the current cost of living, how it’s affecting them and how they’re being 
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Last year, Generate Voices campaigned for better mental health support in the learning disability community and did lots of sessions 
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In our most recent session, Generate Voices discussed something that may be difficult for others to talk about, the Cost-of-Living 
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